Where Would You End Up If You Started Digging from London?

20.10.2024 10:30
Where Would You End Up If You Started Digging from London?
Editor: London News

If you started digging from London, you wouldn't reach land but rather the Atlantic Ocean. Antipodes Map, an interactive tool, shows the exact opposite point on the globe from any location. Since the Earth is mostly covered by water, most places lead to the ocean when you dig straight through. While cities like Madrid connect to Auckland, and Shanghai to Buenos Aires, London’s opposite point is in the ocean.

We've all wondered at least once: "If you started digging from where you are, could you reach the other side of the world?" Thanks to modern technology, you don’t need a shovel to find out anymore! Antipodes Map, an interactive tool, shows you exactly where you would end up if you started digging from your current location.

If you start digging from London, the result might be a bit disappointing because your excavation would lead you straight into the depths of the ocean. There's no land on the opposite side of London, just the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean!

Since more than 70% of the Earth's surface is covered in water, most people, no matter where they start digging, will end up somewhere in the ocean. So, reaching another continent by digging isn't really feasible—except in movies. But thanks to Antipodes Map, it's fun to explore where you'd theoretically emerge.

Interestingly, there are a few cities around the world that do have land counterparts directly on the other side of the globe. For instance, if you start digging in Madrid, you’ll emerge in Auckland, New Zealand. If you dig from Shanghai, you’ll end up in Buenos Aires. However, if you're starting from London, there's no such luck—just water awaits!


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